Sunday, November 2, 2014

Three habits that will shoot up your career!

Great. Have you found a job you like. What’s next? If you’re like most ambitious people realize that the long years of work behind you is not enough to achieve perfection. So how to overcome stage where development has not seemed up? How to achieve your absolute peak? Start with your habits. What is a habit? Essentially habit is simply a set of actions which are automated. Always make a conscious choice whether or not to practice the habit – just do it. It is part of your day. In fact, studies show that we spend at least 40% of their day, performing habits. While some habits (like this watering flowers on the balcony) are relatively simple to implement and require only a few minutes, others may represent a complex. Think of how many steps consists habit you go to the car and get her out of the parking lot to go to work! In time, of course, these processes occur automatically and stop thinking about them. Habits are so powerful that it can completely change our behavior just a few months – because of this it is worth focusing on them. There are habits that you make unconsciously, affect negatively the day and our lives. Such as: getting up late, missing a workout, eating junk food, surfing the internet, smoking, etc. What happens if you optimize said 40% of your life? If the “autopilot” is positive and our habits are productive? How will improve our way of life? Will speed you on the way their career? A small choices made every day can have significant and serious impact. The potential is limitless. Here are three habits that you can start to learn to improve their lives and their careers.

1. Create a morning ritual. Without a solid foundation, even the most motivated person will get the most out of your day. Establish a daily routine associated with the things we need to do during the day, and consciously create consistency in their lives. The best option is to establish a routine in the first hours of the day – morning. Once you wake up, do the same every day. If you wash your teeth, add and floss. Then you can indulge in its other habit – reading the newspaper or meditation, for example. 2. placing the your daily and weekly targets. After a good night’s rest, you will wake up refreshed and ready for a new day – but which tasks have priority? The traditional list may be overwhelmed and not feasible. Instead, define 3-5 key tasks that are valid for the entire week. Then marked the day 2-3 “big win.” Work every day to perform tasks in the list have the highest priority. Mark completed them one by one – you will see that your weekly key tasks are carried out gradually. There are different mobile applications that will help you visualize your plans for the day and week. For example, Trello and Wunderlist. Both are free. 3. Practice. It is no surprise that exercise is one of the most powerful habits that absorb. Maintaining a healthy body increases our energy level, stabilize mood and allows you to recover after illness or injury more quickly. Everything listed is vital if you want to accelerate their careers and success. Note: drills supply the brain with blood. Research indicates that both stimulate creative thinking and memory.

English: An avid look, creative thinking. English: An avid look, creative thinking. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Three habits that will shoot up your career!

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